Terms and Conditions

Araz rules and regulations:

Please read the terms and conditions carefully if you are a user or customer of ours. This agreement clarifies the relationship between us, the provider of infrastructure services, and you, the user. It can be used for arbitration in legal disputes between us and you. We use the names Araz, Araz Cloud, ArazCloud, and other combinations of these words. Exclusive ownership and all intellectual property rights to this name, the ideas used, the product, service, and content published in any form on the Arazcloud.com website and under any of its subdomains are reserved for Araz Cloud Computing Company and its use and exploitation in any form, for personal, commercial or non-profit projects and affairs, is illegal without written permission from Araz Cloud. Graphical interfaces, design and illustrations, information and data, computer codes, educational texts, and other elements produced by Araz Cloud are examples of published content.

سرور مجازی ایران

Laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Araz Cloud Computing Emerald Company is registered in Iran and operates under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As a result, the publication and distribution of any criminal content from the point of view of the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran or its protection with the help of Araz Cloud services in any way is illegal and contrary to the terms of this agreement. We do not accept criminal and filtered content on Araz Cloud and will prevent it as soon as we become aware of the distribution and protection of such content. In such a case, the customer’s payment will not be refunded.

The distribution and protection of unethical and sexual content and images, support, cooperation or sale of drugs, weapons of mass destruction, cooperation and support of domestic and foreign terrorist and separatist groups, or any other activity contrary to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be prohibited on Araz Cloud.

Copyright and Other Applicable International Laws

By using Araz Cloud, you agree to comply with the laws of Iran, international internet customs, and the laws and customs in force in any case or region covered by Araz Cloud services. You also agree not to take any action that in any way would result in any liability for Araz Cloud, and you take full legal responsibility for any such occurrence. Araz Cloud reserves the right to, at any time and at its sole discretion and based on requests, complaints and reports received from internet enforcement organizations and competent institutions and individuals, provide user information from IP or infrastructure, or to stop providing services to the user. In this case, the payments will not be refunded.

Confidential Information

By subscribing to Araz Cloud and passing your website traffic through this cloud system, you grant Araz Cloud permission to receive, review and analyze all requests sent by users of your website, prevent potential attacks, and send filtered content to the main server(s). Statistics and reports obtained from the set of these operations will be available to you in your user panel. All information related to a website, including contact information for the owners of that content, user characteristics and behavior, user volume and distribution, and certificates, is considered confidential by Araz Cloud and will not be disclosed to any Iranian or international company or organization.

Non-Confidential Information

Araz Cloud is permitted to process the information and traffic passing through its cloud system and use it for analytical purposes to improve service delivery, deploy new PoPs, develop services or other as-needed uses. This information will be used with due regard for confidentiality.


Note: A judicial or administrative ruling, legal order or decree within the territorial limits of the Islamic Republic of Iran or any place where Araz has a PoP or server, as well as rulings issued by competent international authorities, may, as the case may be, take precedence over any of the confidentiality provisions stated or not stated, in the sense that it may suspend, stop or cancel the execution of any of them.

User Account

To create a user account, you must enter your information according to the details provided in your official identification documents. By entering incorrect information into your account, the responsibility will lie with you. If any of your information changes, it is necessary to promptly update it in your user account; however, the responsibility for entering the information correctly and completely, and protecting your chosen password, will solely be yours.


Password Protection Responsibility

Cloud Arc has endeavored to prevent users from using simple passwords, but users may still use common passwords or may not exercise sufficient care in safeguarding their passwords; in such situations, misuse of that password may cause disruptions or abuse to the distributed and secured website on Cloud Arc. In this situation, Cloud Arc does not accept any responsibility. Cloud Arc strongly emphasizes using complex passwords and avoiding their virtual and physical dissemination.


All buyers are obligated to provide a correct and valid email address as well as a verified mobile number, and the legal obligations and responsibilities of the services provided in each of the products of Cloud Arc are the responsibility of the person who owns the user account; the method of identifying and tracking problems is through the mobile number registered in that user account, so when registering a user account, keep in mind that all responsibilities for events occurring in the services provided to you are the responsibility of the owner of the registered mobile number. Also, if any changes occur in any part of the user’s information, the user is obliged to inform Cloud Arc team of these changes as soon as possible; otherwise, Cloud Arc team will not be responsible for any services, and Cloud Arc reserves the right to suspend completion and correction of user service information.


Cloud Arc’s direct communication method with its customers is through the shared email and responding to tickets created in the user panel; also, in the tickets section, the ticket number registered for the user is visible and traceable. Any communication method other than those mentioned and also sending official and written letters will lack legal validity and Cloud Arc will not be responsible for any issues in these cases.


If a subscriber needs to upgrade or downgrade their service, upon the company’s agreement (receiving and confirming in the ticket section), the amount paid for the current service will be calculated proportionally to the remaining time, and with our payment to the difference between the amount remaining and the rate of the upgraded service, the current service will be changed to a new service. For this reason, it will not be possible to change the service to a lower service and return the remaining amount.


The company has the right to make technical changes to its service. In the case of changes that affect the subscriber’s service, the company is obligated to inform subscribers through the company’s website, subscriber portal, or by sending newsletters to subscribers’ email addresses from 12 hours to 30 calendar days before implementing the changes, and the subscriber is obliged to adapt to these changes. (It should be noted that the subscriber waives the right to object.)


In case of inconsistency in the service provided by the company, the user is obliged to inform the company within a maximum of 48 hours after delivery, and the company is obliged to correct this service as soon as possible. Otherwise, the company is only limited to correcting the service after the subscriber’s notification and only until the end of the service delivery time at the time of order, and the service delivery time will not be extended.


In case of sending spam or high-volume group emails by the user (maximum of 1000 emails per day and 50 emails in 10 minutes are allowed, provided that all email recipients have requested to receive emails from the subscriber and the email includes the address and explanation of how to unsubscribe in English), and if the server encounters a problem, Cloud Arc will not be responsible for any liabilities.



Digital Communications


By using Cloud Arc services, you agree that digital communications such as receiving notifications, system emails, notifications, support in the form of responding to “tickets,” etc., replace traditional communication methods such as fax, telephone, mail, and in-person visits.


Newsletter Subscription


By creating a Cloud Arc user account, you agree to receive informational emails and SMS notifications, as well as the Cloud Arc newsletter. If you do not wish to receive these, you can unsubscribe, but in this case, Cloud Arc will not be responsible for your unawareness of messages distributed through these communication channels.


Use of Free Services


If you are using Cloud Arc’s free services, you are not entitled to premium support, Service Level Agreement (SLA), or compensation for disruption. Cloud Arc reserves the right to change or completely remove the capabilities and features of its free services at any time, and the provision of or continuation of these free services does not create any commitment for Cloud Arc.


Trial Version


Services labeled as “Trial Version” and “Beta” by Cloud Arc are not stable and should not be used by users for the production and distribution of their final and main products. Cloud Arc has the right to make changes to its trial version services at any time or delete the information available on these services. In the latter case, data recovery may not be possible.


Gift Code


A gift code issued by Cloud Arc is only usable by the user it was issued for, and selling or transferring it to another user is not possible. The amount of the gift code is allocated as credit to the user’s account for the use of Cloud Arc services and cannot be settled in cash. Each gift code issued by Cloud Arc has a specified expiration date, and if the user does not use the code within the valid period, it will become invalid and will not be reissued.


Service Cancellation


Services provided by Cloud Arc will not be canceled, and no refunds will be given. Also, there is currently no possibility to delete or deactivate a user account.


Creation of Wastage and Problems in Network and Hardware Space


Under any circumstances, if Cloud Arc’s infrastructure management services are found to cause excessive hardware wear and network usage beyond the norm, the company will suspend and remove the provided service. This measure will be taken in cases suspected of digital currency mining activities.


Technical Support Service Domain


Cloud Arc’s technical support specialists only provide support in the cloud infrastructure domain and issues related to Cloud Arc products. They have no responsibility for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of services and software that users launch with Cloud Arc infrastructure or for the infrastructure and software that connect to Cloud Arc in any way.


Third-Party Software Licenses


Compliance with the laws regarding licenses of software installed and launched by you with Cloud Arc infrastructure is your responsibility, and Cloud Arc will not be responsible for it.


Security of Third-Party Software


As a provider of infrastructure services, Cloud Arc is only responsible for guaranteeing the security of its own products. If a user creates a service or installs software on Cloud Arc infrastructure that compromises security or leads to the user’s information being hacked or stolen, Cloud Arc will not be responsible. However, Cloud Arc reserves the right to seek compensation and legal action for any damage or disruption to services caused by the installation of any malware.


Backup Creation


By using Cloud Arc services, you are obligated to create backups of the data you have on Cloud Arc infrastructure. Cloud Arc is not responsible for creating backups of user data or recovering lost data due to user errors or any other reason. In other words, we assume by default that users regularly back up their sensitive data and are responsible for it.


Compensation for Damages


In the event of a disruption to your use of any of Cloud Arc’s services, compensation for damages will be made based on the “Service Level Agreement (SLA)” and will be allocated to your account as credit, which is not convertible to cash. Credit allocation for compensation is only available to users covered by an SLA, and to use this feature, you must submit an official letter or ticket in Cloud Arc’s support system titled “Credit Services Request,” containing reports and system logs indicating the disruptions that occurred.

Note that if you are using a custom cloud server, your wallet should not go negative.


If you are using cloud computing:


Immediately after your account balance reaches zero, your access to the cloud computing panel will be cut off.


After 24 hours from the time your account balance reaches zero, your cloud machines will be disconnected, and you will not have access to the panel and SSH.


After 48 hours from the time your account balance reaches zero, your cloud instances will be shut down, but storage space costs will still be calculated and deducted from your credit.


After 1 week from the time your account balance reaches zero, your cloud machines and snapshots, disks, and all your IPs will be deleted, and there will be no possibility of data recovery.


Note: If a user consumes disk IOPS and network PPS excessively beyond the specified limits in the basic packages, access to the cloud machine will be automatically cut off.

In this case, to restore access, you need to submit a ticket to the technical support unit.


Note: If you recharge your account after your cloud machine is turned off, you need to manually turn on your cloud machines again.


Cloud Storage

If you are using cloud storage:


Immediately after your account balance reaches zero, your access to the cloud storage panel will be cut off.


After 24 hours from the time your account balance reaches zero, write access will be cut off.


After 48 hours from the time your account balance reaches zero, read access will be cut off.


After 1 month from the time your account balance reaches zero, your files will be deleted.


Note: After files are deleted, there will be no possibility of recovering them.


If you are using Plus and Professional support plans:


Immediately after your account balance reaches zero, your support plan will be changed to the base level.


Note: If you recharge your account after your support plan is changed to the base level, you need to re-enable your desired higher-level support plan.


Value Added Tax


The final price of Cloud Arc services will be displayed in your account after adding value-added tax in accordance with the country’s tax laws, and any change in the value-added tax percentage according to the law will also be reflected in Cloud Arc users’ accounts.


Force Majeure


Cloud Arc is not responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations in the event of force majeure such as natural disasters, war, rebellion, strike, sanctions, internet and domestic and international communication disruptions, although our efforts are aimed at reducing the effects of these events on the provision of Cloud Arc services to users.


Reserved Right to Change


Cloud Arc reserves the right to change, either wholly or partially, technical specifications, product levels (plans), and terms of use of its services at any time and without user notification; therefore, we recommend that you regularly visit this page to stay updated on the latest version of these items.